The music runs, and I think the game too, since I heard the famous "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" in Jazz voice, which he says when you wait too long to do something. When I started up a game all I got was a white screen. In fact, the only reason why I wouldn't recommend it would be because of the bad port that it has. The second game is not nearly as good as the first, but it still has its fans. exe file run, it was terribly slow, but that can be handled with with ctrl-F8 and ctrl-F12, I suppose. 1/6 Jazz Jackrabbit is the second release of a long-awaited game about the unlikely hero of Popeye, created by Disney. if youre a new player, download the required patches. It had at first trouble to locate my config file, which have really always been there. Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1995 official game site OpenJazz (Jazz Jackrabbit recreation). Perfomance is good, sometimes game is slow down a little. Some hangs found while saving game on few last levels of episode 1. I have the cpu speed setting set to auto. It seems to run much smoother in 0.65 than it did in 0.63. Works much better in DOSBox 0.65 ( 20:37) Played through the game from start to finish, not a single problem with DOSBox 0.70 including no slowdown whatsoever. I unknow problem as it be with collecting game from poland mums JAZZ make write Much better quality is avaible when using Gravis Ultrasound. Jazz can also pick up various power-ups, including a force shield, a hoverboard that allows him to float in the air, a bird that will fight on Jazz's side, and others.Sound quality was very distorted when using Sound Blaster. Jazz starts with a blaster, but during the course of the game acquires other weapons, such as grenade launcher, flamethrower, TNT, etc. The game is primarily a shooter, meaning that in order to defeat his enemies, it's not enough for Jazz to jump over their heads. However, the rest of the gameplay mechanics are different. The similarity to Sonic the Hedgehog manifests itself in Jazz's uncanny speed, and the fact it increases the more he runs. In this platform game, Jazz, the hero of the rabbit planet Carrotus, must rescue the beloved rabbit princess, Eva Earlong, and defeat the leader of the turtle terrorists, Devan Shell, traveling to different planets to gather clues concerning Eva's whereabouts while liberating them from Shell's tyranny. Jazz Jackrabbit is the PC world's answer to Sonic the Hedgehog.